Integral Technology Co., Ltd. JPN

Automated mesh modelling that leads to Digital Transformation (DX)
LATONA9 : Mid-mesh Generation by Offset


Mid-mesh generation software based on offset principle. Outer surfaces of 3D objects can be divided into two different groups (front & back side) and then any side from these two divided groups is selected using Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the offseted surface group. The selected offset surfaces are then offseted into the mid-position to create mid-mesh.
【Required software】 HyperWorks (Altair Engineering)


Utilization of AI (SHINRA3 software)
Recognition of front & back sides, selection of offset surfaces
Mid-mesh generation process that inherits the original 3D shape with no simplification involved
Handling of the outer surfaces is done at the surface-level
Extremely easy for hand manipulation
Mesh control for cylinders, steps
Mid-mesh generation at the design surfaces
Used as modification tool for any existing mid-mesh results

Input file (3D geometry data)

Mesh generation at the outer surfaces of 3D geometry

Using AI to divide 3D geometry into two different surface groups (front & back side)

Using AI to determine which side to offset

Front side surface group
Back side as the selected offset surfaces

The selected offset surfaces

The final mid-mesh result is gained by firstly offseting the selected surfaces into the mid-position and then executing any additional necessary process

Example of the final mid-mesh result



  1. Manual modification by human operators is possible for process no. 3-5.
  2. For process no. 3 only, the result after manual modification can be used to update the pre-trained AI model.
  3. Execution can be halted between process no.3-5 for the purposes of manual modification or result confirmation. After confirmation, the remaining process can be re-executed from the point it was previously halted