Integral Technology Co., Ltd.

Fully Automatic BIW Mesh Generation Software【FORTUNA_Phoenix】

The version has been upgraded to Ver. 9.0 since April 2023.



What is FORTUNA_Phoenix?

Aim of the Software

By parameterizing the knowledge of CAE experts and automatically generating mesh that conforms to the parameters for shapes recognized with our unique shape recognition technology, it becomes possible for anyone to automatically create expert-level mesh seamlessly.

Benefits of FORTUNA_Phoenix

  • Consistent outcome regardless of the operator
  • Automated mesh generation according to meshing rules
  • Software robot that runs unattended day and night (Fully automated processing by FORTUNA_Phoenix)

Function Overview

Function List

  • Customization and parameter setting for optimizing meshing rules
  • Parts replacement, spot welding model

Built-in Functions

Mesh generation process flow

Automatic execution until all input geometry data is processed FORTUNA_PHOENIX9
Execution command Disassembling Feature recognition Mesh generation Welding Parts replacement Report
HyperMesh Input assembly
(Including target parts set)
Fillet Time-step
Fillet overlap calculation Spot location Remaining errors
Spot welding point calculation Hole Fillet edge
Target parts Spot report
Disassemble Bead Shock wave flow
Spot location
Flange Quad mesh
Quad mesh priority
Others General error avoidance General error avoidance
Customization ANSA-based Spot recognition method Unique features Priority order for overlapping fillets and welding
Different mesh flow Bead welding
Associations within the possible range
Future developments AI-equipped Search for CAD issues Additional feature recognition and mesh pattern
Detection of mesh deviating the meshing rules

Fillet Mesh Generation Function

  • In case the minimum element length cannot be maintained, automatically moving endpoints detected from the surrounding situation to preserve the minimum element length

For element generation with fillet ridge keeping

(1) When fillet width is sufficient
Sufficient No fillet edge node movement
(2) When fillet width is an error
Fillet edge is moved to maintain sufficient width

For element generation with fillet center keeping

(1) When fillet width is sufficient
(2) When fillet width is an error
Sufficient No fillet edge node movement
Standard procedure Fillet edge is moved to maintain sufficient width
Exception procedure Merge center nodes to edge nodes

Weld Mesh Generation Function

Standard function: Spot welding

Mesh control/Assembling
Spot location/target parts set recognition, Shell mesh conotrol, and Assembling functions are provided as standard functionality
Example of spot weld modeling using HEXA
Example of spot weld modeling using rigids

Custumization example: Bead welding

Parts Replacement Modeling Function

  • Maintain the mesh for parts other than the changed parts, generate mesh for only the modified parts, and then reassemble

Operation Procedure

GUI of FORTUNA_Phoenix requires only 3 steps and outputs results fully automatially

【STEP1】 Prepare the three files shown below ①CAD models ②Quality setting file ③Control file 【STEP2】 Register CAD models on GUI 【STEP3】 Set the parameter files in the red frame and start execution Quality setting file Minumum edge length Maximum edge length Aspect ratio etc. Control file Fillet meshing rules etc.